The Servant and His Example | Mark 10:32-45
Series - The Servant Tim Lazaro Series - The Servant Tim Lazaro

The Servant and His Example | Mark 10:32-45

The kingdom of God belongs to those who come to Him with empty hands and childlike trust, not those weighed down by their own self-sufficiency. Jesus, in His wisdom, shatters the illusion that wealth and power secure our place in eternity—instead, He calls us to release our grip on the temporal and cling to Him alone. The rich young ruler, though moral and accomplished, missed eternal treasure because his heart was tethered to fleeting riches. Yet, for those who forsake all for Christ, there is an abundance beyond measure, not just in eternity but even now, in the fullness of knowing Him. The question for us today is not simply what we possess, but whether what we possess has begun to possess us.
Scripture: Mark 10:13-31

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The Servant and Material Wealth | Mark 10:13-31
Series - The Servant Tim Lazaro Series - The Servant Tim Lazaro

The Servant and Material Wealth | Mark 10:13-31

The kingdom of God belongs to those who come to Him with empty hands and childlike trust, not those weighed down by their own self-sufficiency. Jesus, in His wisdom, shatters the illusion that wealth and power secure our place in eternity—instead, He calls us to release our grip on the temporal and cling to Him alone. The rich young ruler, though moral and accomplished, missed eternal treasure because his heart was tethered to fleeting riches. Yet, for those who forsake all for Christ, there is an abundance beyond measure, not just in eternity but even now, in the fullness of knowing Him. The question for us today is not simply what we possess, but whether what we possess has begun to possess us.

Scripture: Mark 10:13-31

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The Servant and The Family | Mark 10:1-12
Series - The Servant Tim Lazaro Series - The Servant Tim Lazaro

The Servant and The Family | Mark 10:1-12

Marriage is not a mere social contract or a fleeting human arrangement—it is a divine covenant, a sacred gift from God, designed for our joy and His glory. From the very beginning, God established the union of man and woman, not as something to be discarded at convenience, but as a lifelong bond reflecting Christ’s love for His Church. In a world that trivializes commitment and exalts self-gratification, we must remember that biblical marriage is not about personal fulfillment alone but about faithfulness, sacrifice, and the pursuit of holiness together. And yet, for those who have experienced the pain of broken vows, the grace of Christ is greater than our failures—He is the Redeemer who restores, the Healer who binds up the brokenhearted. So whether you are single, married, or have walked through the valley of divorce, let us uphold the sacredness of marriage and trust that God’s design, though often tested, is always good. Scripture: Mark 10:1-12

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The Servant and The True Greatness | Mark 9:30-50
Series - The Servant Tim Lazaro Series - The Servant Tim Lazaro

The Servant and The True Greatness | Mark 9:30-50

True greatness, as Jesus defines it, is found in a heart fully surrendered to Him—a heart that humbly serves others, pursues holiness, and aligns itself with His mission. It’s a greatness marked not by self-promotion or worldly acclaim but by self-denial, by embracing the last place and the lowly. Jesus calls us to a radical discipleship that sees sin as the greatest enemy and holiness as the highest pursuit, even when it feels like cutting off a hand or plucking out an eye. In this pursuit, we discover the paradox of the kingdom: when we lose ourselves for Christ's sake, we find the life that is truly great. Will you embrace His call to greatness today?

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The Servant and Our Faith | Mark 9:14-29
Series - The Servant Tim Lazaro Series - The Servant Tim Lazaro

The Servant and Our Faith | Mark 9:14-29

In moments when life’s burdens feel unbearable and faith seems frail, the desperate cry of the father in Mark 9 resonates deeply: "I believe; help my unbelief!" This is the cry of a heart that knows its faith is incomplete but still clings to Christ. It’s a faith that acknowledges weakness, yet reaches for the only One who can strengthen it. Jesus doesn’t demand perfect faith—He responds to even the smallest seed of trust when it is placed in Him. In our weakness and wavering, He meets us with His sufficiency, proving again that His grace is enough and His power is perfected in our need. Will you bring your imperfect faith to Him today? Scripture: Mark 9:14-29

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The Transfiguration of the Servant | Mark 9:1-8
Series - The Servant Tim Lazaro Series - The Servant Tim Lazaro

The Transfiguration of the Servant | Mark 9:1-8

In this moment of breathtaking revelation, the disciples caught but a fleeting glimpse of glory—a preview of the kingdom yet to come. Christ’s radiant transformation on the mountain wasn’t merely an otherworldly spectacle; it was a proclamation of His divine authority and the hope He embodies. How kind of God to affirm, in such a vivid way, that Jesus is not just a teacher or prophet but the very fulfillment of the law and the prophets. "This is my beloved Son; listen to Him," the Father declared. And so, in a world clamoring with countless voices, we are reminded to turn our ears and hearts to Him—the only voice that carries life, truth, and eternity. Will we trust Him, not just with our questions, but with our very lives? Scripture: Mark 9:1-8

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The Cost of Following the Servant - Part 2 | Mark 8:34-38
Series - The Servant Tim Lazaro Series - The Servant Tim Lazaro

The Cost of Following the Servant - Part 2 | Mark 8:34-38

Jesus’ question to His disciples remains vital: Who do you say that I am? Peter’s confession that Jesus is the Christ was correct, yet incomplete, as his rebuke of the Lord’s path of suffering revealed. Like Peter, we often create a Messiah in our own image—one who aligns with our preferences, ambitions, and comforts. But Jesus dismantles our self-centered expectations, making it plain: to follow Him means to lose our lives for His sake, surrendering safety, security, and self-interest to gain something infinitely greater—life in Him. This is not a life of convenience or compromise; it is a call to daily sacrifice and trust. Yet, it is in this surrender that we find true freedom, joy, and eternal reward, as our lives burn brightly for the glory of Christ. Scripture: Mark 8:34-38

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The Cost of Following the Servant - Part 1 | Mark 8:27-33
Series - The Servant Tim Lazaro Series - The Servant Tim Lazaro

The Cost of Following the Servant - Part 1 | Mark 8:27-33

In this passage, we are confronted with the stark reality that following Jesus demands a radical reorientation of our hearts and lives. Jesus reveals to His disciples—and to us—that He is not the Messiah of convenience or conquest, but the Messiah of sacrifice and redemption. Peter’s rebuke reflects our own tendency to mold Jesus into a figure who aligns with our desires, ambitions, and comforts. But Jesus shatters that illusion, reminding us that true discipleship is not about following a Savior who conforms to our expectations but surrendering to a Lord who transforms our souls. The cross is not just His path; it is ours too, calling us to lay down our lives, relinquish our idols, and embrace the fullness of His purpose. Scripture: Mark 8:27-33

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The Servant Takes a Detour | Mark 7:24-37
Series - The Servant Tim Lazaro Series - The Servant Tim Lazaro

The Servant Takes a Detour | Mark 7:24-37

In Mark 7, we witness the astounding compassion and sovereignty of Christ as He challenges human traditions and expectations to reveal the heart of God. Jesus confronts the religious leaders, exposing the futility of outward religion without inward transformation, declaring that righteousness flows from a heart surrendered to God, not external works. His journey to Tyre and Sidon, far outside Israel's borders, underscores the global scope of His mission. The Syrophoenician woman, in humble desperation, exemplifies the faith that recognizes even a crumb from the Lord’s table is enough to heal. Later, in Decapolis, Jesus intimately heals a deaf and mute man, illustrating His power to open both ears and hearts to His truth. In every act, the refrain echoes: He does all things well.

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The Servant and the Empty Religion | Mark 7:1-23
Series - The Servant Tim Lazaro Series - The Servant Tim Lazaro

The Servant and the Empty Religion | Mark 7:1-23

In the beginning of Mark 7, we witness an encounter between Jesus and the Pharisees, where Christ exposes the hollowness of outward religious rituals disconnected from a sincere heart. The Pharisees, fixated on ceremonial handwashing, reveal their tendency to elevate man-made traditions above God’s commandments. Jesus warns that true worship isn’t about external conformity or public displays of piety, but rather about a transformed heart that honors God authentically. He condemns lip service worship, where actions do not reflect an inner love or genuine devotion to God. This encounter challenges us, too, to examine whether our faith is merely ritualistic, or if it flows from a heart surrendered to God. The answer lies not in adhering to empty traditions or rules, but in receiving the new heart Christ offers—a heart softened, transformed, and empowered by the Spirit. In this way, our lives become not just outward acts of religion, but a deep, vibrant relationship with God marked by love, humility, and true purity. Scripture: Mark 7:1-23

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Lessons in the Storm | Mark 6:45-52
Series - The Servant Tim Lazaro Series - The Servant Tim Lazaro

Lessons in the Storm | Mark 6:45-52

Storms in life, just like those the disciples faced on the Sea of Galilee, are not accidental disruptions—they are sovereign appointments. Mark 6 reveals not only the unpredictability of life’s trials but the intentionality behind them: Jesus sent His disciples into that storm. This passage reminds us that sometimes God places us directly in the tempest, not to punish, but to refine. Just as wind and waves can reveal our limitations, they also provide a backdrop for God’s glory to shine. It is in the fiercest battles that we encounter Him most deeply, learning that His power sustains us when our strength is gone. He meets us in our storm—not always by calming it immediately, but by reminding us who He is.

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The Servant’s Provision | Mark 6:30-44
Series - The Servant Tim Lazaro Series - The Servant Tim Lazaro

The Servant’s Provision | Mark 6:30-44

In Mark’s account of the feeding of the five thousand, we see more than just a miracle of multiplication. We are confronted with the nature of Christ, who not only supplies our physical needs but points us to the deeper truth of His identity and the satisfaction only He provides. Just as Jesus invites the weary disciples to come and rest, He invites us into His presence to find true rest and replenishment for our souls. In a world that offers fleeting solutions, Jesus reveals Himself as the Bread of Life, the only one who can truly satisfy our deepest hunger. His compassion moves Him to meet the needs of the people, both physically and spiritually, and He calls us to trust in His power, to rest in His provision, and to share in His mission of compassion. In Him, we find rest, provision, and ultimate satisfaction. Scripture: Mark 6:30-44

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The Servant and John the Baptist | Mark 6:14-29
Series - The Servant Tim Lazaro Series - The Servant Tim Lazaro

The Servant and John the Baptist | Mark 6:14-29

In this sermon's passage, we encounter a flashback where King Herod, haunted by a guilty conscience, reflects on the beheading of John the Baptist. As Herod hears of Jesus' miraculous works, he fears John has returned from the dead. This passage reveals the profound power of a personal stand for truth, as John boldly confronted Herod’s sin, even at the cost of his life. John’s unwavering commitment to righteousness exposed sin, revealed allegiances, and left a lasting legacy. His witness reminds us that when we stand for Jesus, even in the face of opposition, we bear a light that cannot be extinguished, pointing others to the truth of Christ. Scripture: Mark 6:14-29

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The Servant Advances | Mark 6:1-13
Series - The Servant Tim Lazaro Series - The Servant Tim Lazaro

The Servant Advances | Mark 6:1-13

The familiarity of the people with Jesus led them to dismiss Him, questioning His authority and legitimacy. They were astonished by His teaching but quickly turned to contempt, seeing Him not as the Messiah but simply as the carpenter's son. This rejection hindered the mighty works Jesus could have done among them, a powerful reminder of how unbelief can limit God's work in our lives. We are warned of the danger of becoming too familiar with Jesus, losing the awe of His power and grace. We are to examine our hearts, shake off the "dust" of sin and apathy, and embrace faith-filled lives, fully devoted to Christ’s mission. Just as the disciples were sent out in pairs to spread the gospel despite facing rejection, we are called to share the truth, trusting that God still desires to do great things through those who believe. Scripture: Mark 6:1-13

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The Servant's Compassion | Mark 5:21-42
Series - The Servant Tim Lazaro Series - The Servant Tim Lazaro

The Servant's Compassion | Mark 5:21-42

We continue to see the power of Jesus as we focused on the stories of Jairus and the woman with the issue of blood. Jesus not only hears the cries of the brokenhearted but responds with compassion. Jairus, a desperate father, humbles himself before Jesus, trusting Him to heal his dying daughter. Similarly, the outcast woman, suffering for 12 years, reaches out in faith, believing that merely touching Jesus' garment would heal her—and it does. Both stories reveal that Christ meets us in our despair, offering not just healing but complete restoration. We are urged to confidently turn to Jesus in our own moments of need, because He is always near to those who call on Him with faith, whether for healing or salvation. Scripture: Mark 5:21-42

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The Servant and the Maniac | Mark 5:1-20
Series - The Servant Tim Lazaro Series - The Servant Tim Lazaro

The Servant and the Maniac | Mark 5:1-20

In this message, Pastor Paul emphasize the profound power of Christ over both natural and spiritual forces. The disciples, terrified by a storm on the Sea of Galilee, were even more shaken when they encountered a demon-possessed man in Gadara. Yet, Jesus demonstrated His sovereignty by not only calming the physical storm but also delivering the man from demonic possession, revealing that no power—natural or supernatural—can stand against Him. The sermon warns against underestimating the reality of spiritual warfare while also reminding believers that, though Satan seeks to destroy, Jesus alone brings true transformation and peace. We are challenged to consider whether our lives reflect the transformative power of Christ, urging them to live in a way that causes others to marvel at the difference Jesus makes.

Scripture: Mark 5:1-20

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The Servant in the Storm | Mark 4:35-41
Series - The Servant Tim Lazaro Series - The Servant Tim Lazaro

The Servant in the Storm | Mark 4:35-41

In this sermon, Pastor Paul reflects on Mark 4, where Jesus calms the storm, revealing truths about faith and God's sovereignty. He emphasizes that storms—whether literal or metaphorical—are an inevitable part of life, even for those faithfully following Christ. Jesus, both servant and sovereign King, allows these storms not as a sign of His absence but as a means to reveal our faith and draw us closer to Him. When trials arise, rather than questioning God's care, we are called to trust in His presence and power. Just as Jesus calmed the storm with His word, He brings peace to our hearts amid life's turbulence, reminding us that no difficulty is beyond His control. In every trial, the challenge for believers is to shift from asking "why" to "what"—seeking God's purpose and trusting that He is working for our good, even when the waves feel overwhelming.

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The Parables of the Kingdom | Mark 1:21-34
Series - The Servant Tim Lazaro Series - The Servant Tim Lazaro

The Parables of the Kingdom | Mark 1:21-34

Understanding the kingdom of God is foundational. Jesus' parables reveal the kingdom as both a present reality and a future hope, where God’s redemptive rule reigns through Christ. Like light shining into darkness, the gospel exposes sin and offers redemption. We are called to receive this light, reflect it, and trust that God is growing His kingdom—even when we can't see the progress. The kingdom starts small, like a mustard seed, but grows beyond expectation. Our role is simple: sow the seed, trust God's work, and let His light shine through us.

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The Teaching of the Servant | Mark 4:1-20
Series - The Servant Tim Lazaro Series - The Servant Tim Lazaro

The Teaching of the Servant | Mark 4:1-20

In Mark 3, Jesus faced divisive reactions from the crowds, with some even claiming He was possessed or out of His mind. In Mark 4, this theme of division continues as Jesus teaches the parable of the sower, illustrating how different hearts receive the Word of God. Some hearts are hard, others shallow or divided, and only those with receptive hearts bear lasting fruit. Jesus's parables, then, serve as both a revelation to those who seek God and a stumbling block to those who resist, highlighting the truth that the same gospel that enlightens one soul may harden another. The question Jesus poses to us is this: how will we respond?

Scripture: Mark 4:1-20

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The Opinions of the Servant | Mark 3:16-30
Series - The Servant Tim Lazaro Series - The Servant Tim Lazaro

The Opinions of the Servant | Mark 3:16-30

Jesus, despite being misunderstood and accused by those closest to him, remained steadfast in His mission. Jesus' commitment, even in the face of familial concern and accusations from religious leaders, demonstrates His divine authority and the importance of obedience to God's will. Pastor Paul encourages us to seek our identity and purpose in Christ, not in the fluctuating opinions of others, and to embrace the spiritual family we have through faith in Jesus, characterized by our obedience to God.

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