The Servant's Pressure | Mark 3:7-15
Series - The Servant Tim Lazaro Series - The Servant Tim Lazaro

The Servant's Pressure | Mark 3:7-15

In Mark 3, we see Jesus facing increasing opposition from the religious elites who seek to discredit and destroy Him. Despite the growing pressure and the relentless demands from the crowds, Jesus exemplifies a life of purposeful retreat and prayer. His response to the overwhelming stress is to withdraw and commune with His Father, demonstrating the importance of finding peace and strength in God amidst life's challenges. This sermon highlights that Jesus, fully God and fully man, experienced intense pressures and yet sought solace in prayer, providing us with a powerful example of how to handle adversity by relying on our relationship with God. Just as Jesus called His disciples to join Him and share in His mission, we are reminded that God calls each of us to be with Him, to serve Him, and to trust in His strength and guidance through our own trials.

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The Servant's Critics | Mark 2:18-3:6
Series - The Servant Tim Lazaro Series - The Servant Tim Lazaro

The Servant's Critics | Mark 2:18-3:6

We live in a world today saturated with opinions and social media influence. Jesus transcends the noise by rejecting societal norms and public validation, focusing instead on serving others with profound love and compassion. He challenges the self-righteousness of religious elites and reaches out to the marginalized, demonstrating the transformative power of grace. This narrative urges us to follow His example by prioritizing genuine service, humility, and the redemptive love of Christ over rigid traditions and societal expectations, ultimately making Jesus the center of our lives.

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The Servant's Friends | Mark 2:13-17
Series - The Servant Tim Lazaro Series - The Servant Tim Lazaro

The Servant's Friends | Mark 2:13-17

In this message, Jesus presented as the powerful yet humble servant king, who came not to be served, but to serve and give His life as a ransom for many. Jesus' actions, from healing physical and spiritual ailments to calling the despised tax collector Levi (later called Matthew), reveal His compassionate authority and His heart for the outcasts. Jesus sees the potential in every individual, regardless of their past, and calls us to follow His example by extending His love, compassion, and the hope of the gospel to all. As followers of Christ, we are challenged to transcend societal norms and prejudices, embodying the same servant-hearted love that Jesus demonstrated throughout His ministry.

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The Servant's Priority | Mark 2:1-12
Series - The Servant Tim Lazaro Series - The Servant Tim Lazaro

The Servant's Priority | Mark 2:1-12

Our greatest need is spiritual, the forgiveness of our sins, rather than any physical or material needs. The story of Jesus healing the paralytic in Mark 2 highlights this as Jesus first forgives the man's sins before addressing his physical condition, showing Jesus' authority to forgive sins and his priority of spiritual healing. Pastor Levi encourages believers to have confident, courageous, creative, and continuing faith, urging them to prioritize sharing the gospel and bringing others to Jesus, reflecting the mission and focus of Christ's ministry.

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The Servant's Heart | Mark 1:28-45
Series - The Servant Tim Lazaro Series - The Servant Tim Lazaro

The Servant's Heart | Mark 1:28-45

In this installment of our series in the Gospel of Mark, we examined how Jesus, through his actions and teachings, emphasized his servant nature and his compassion. We're reminded to come to God with a posture of humility as we submit ourselves to His will for our lives because it's always what's best. Lastly, as we witness the miracle of salvation in our own lives, we are called to share this transformative and healing message with others, extending the hope and love of Christ to the world around us.

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The Messenger | Mark 1:1-11
Series - The Servant Tim Lazaro Series - The Servant Tim Lazaro

The Messenger | Mark 1:1-11

We begin a brand new series in the Gospel of Mark. Written by John Mark, a young follower of Jesus with close ties to early church leaders like Peter and Paul, this gospel captures firsthand accounts of Jesus' ministry focusing on its background and unique aspects. The narrative starts with John the Baptist, who prepared the way for Jesus by preaching repentance and baptizing people and Jesus himself.

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