20 - The Way, The Truth, & The Life

Scripture Passages: John 14:1-14, Acts 4:1-13


When Aloma and I moved from a small town in Ontario to Vancouver, I became more reliant than ever on Google Maps. I’ve never been great with directions, but in the city—especially at first—I was literally lost without it. I always had to plug my destination into Google Maps. One nice thing about using the app is that it sometimes gives you options. There’s the “avoid highways” route, the “avoid tolls” option, and my personal favourite—the “fastest route.” Google Maps puts me in control—I get to choose the path I want to take.

When it comes to heaven, many people think it’s the same way. They believe there are multiple paths to get there, and you can pick whichever one works for you. But in John 14:6, Jesus makes it clear: “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” The route to eternal life isn’t like Google Maps with multiple options. There’s only one way—and it’s through Jesus.

Behold and Believe

Jesus spoke these words at a difficult time. In John 13, he told his disciples that one of them would betray him, that he was about to leave them, and that Peter would deny him. They must have been filled with confusion and fear. It’s no surprise Thomas asked, “Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?” (John 14:5). They were lost, both physically and spiritually, not sure what was happening, or how they were supposed to follow.

Jesus responded with a powerful statement: “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” He wasn’t just pointing to a road or giving directions—he was saying that he is the way. The route to God isn’t a set of instructions, a map, or a series of religious tasks. It’s a person: Jesus.

Jesus is the Way

Jesus didn’t say he would show them the way; he said, “I am the way.” He is the path, the road, the only route that leads to eternal life. In Matthew 26, we see that Jesus even asked God if there was another way to save us, but there was none. So Jesus willingly went to the cross to open the way for us. If there was any other way, Jesus wouldn’t have gone through that agony. But the truth is, there was no other way. Jesus is the way.

Jesus is the Truth

In today’s culture, truth is often seen as subjective. People say, “Your truth is your truth, and my truth is mine.” But Jesus didn’t claim to be “a truth.” He said, “I am the truth.” He is the ultimate, absolute truth—the one standard by which everything is measured. Truth isn’t up for negotiation or personal interpretation. It’s found in Jesus alone, and he calls us to believe him, trust him, and submit our lives to his truth.

Jesus is the Life

From the very beginning of John’s Gospel, we’re told, “In him was life, and the life was the light of men” (John 1:4). Life itself comes from Jesus. He’s the author of life, and he came to give it to us. Remarkably, Life himself gave His life for us, so that we could have life through Him. Without Jesus, there is no life—just separation from God. But with Jesus, we receive eternal life through his sacrifice.

The Only Way

So, where do you want to spend eternity? Heaven is the ultimate destination, and Jesus made it clear that there is only one way to get there: through him. There’s no other route to God. If you want to spend eternity with God, if you want to experience the fullness of his love, there is only one way to get there: believe in Jesus, the way, the truth, and the life.


Lord Jesus, thank You for being the way, the truth, and the life. Thank You for making a way for us to come to the Father through Your sacrifice. Help us to trust You fully, believe in Your truth, and walk in the life You offer. Guide us each day to follow You, the only true path to eternal life. In Your precious name, we pray, Amen.


21 - The True Vine


19 - The Resurrection & The Life