16 - The Light of the World

Scripture Passages: John 9:1-15, Isaiah 42:5-16


Eight years ago, I nervously walked into a laser eye clinic for PRK surgery. Lying on the table with my eye propped open and the sound of a laser reshaping my cornea was nerve-wracking. Before signing the waiver acknowledging the risk of blindness, I questioned whether my desire for convenience was worth the risk of losing my sight. The thought of living in darkness, unable to see the beauty of God’s creation, was humbling and terrifying. For a man in John 9, however, blindness wasn’t just a possibility; it was his reality. Blind from birth, he had never seen a sunrise or the faces of his loved ones. But his encounter with Jesus changed everything.

Jesus had just declared, “I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life” (John 8:12). During the Feast of Tabernacles, with the glow of massive temple lamps symbolizing God’s guidance in the wilderness, Jesus made this bold claim. He was not merely a guide for Israel but the divine light for all humanity. This light doesn’t just expose sin—it leads to life, illuminates truth, and restores what is broken.

In John 9, Jesus demonstrated the power of this light. He encountered the blind man, whose disciples assumed his condition was a result of sin—a belief rooted in the legalistic mindset of the day. But Jesus corrected them, saying, “Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him” (John 9:3). Jesus then performed a miracle that was as unorthodox as it was profound. He made clay from spit and dirt, placed it on the man’s eyes, and told him to wash in the pool of Siloam. The man obeyed, and for the first time, he saw light. His physical healing was a vivid picture of the spiritual transformation Jesus offers to those who believe in Him.

What followed was a series of confrontations with the Pharisees, who refused to acknowledge the miracle or Jesus’ identity. Despite their spiritual blindness, the formerly blind man boldly testified: “One thing I know, that, whereas I was blind, now I see” (John 9:25). His words resonate with every believer who has experienced the transformative power of Christ. When the Pharisees cast the man out of the synagogue, Jesus sought him out, asking, “Dost thou believe on the Son of God?” (John 9:35). The man responded with faith, saying, “Lord, I believe,” and worshipped Him (John 9:38). Jesus not only opened his physical eyes but also his spiritual eyes, revealing Himself as the light of the world.

This story reminds us that Jesus is the light that dispels darkness, both in our circumstances and in our hearts. Without Him, we are blind, stumbling through life. But with Him, we walk in the light of truth, purpose, and eternal hope. No matter how dark life feels, remember Jesus’ promise: “I am the light of the world.” His light shines in the darkest places, guiding us, revealing truth, and giving us life. Will you, like the blind man, place your faith in Him today?

As followers of Christ, we have been rescued from darkness and called to reflect the light of Jesus to a world in desperate need of hope. Are you walking as a child of light? Is your life pointing others to Christ, or is it hidden beneath a bushel? Let the light of Jesus shine brightly in your life, and let the world see His truth and love through you.


Lord, thank You for sending Jesus, the Light of the World, to guide us out of darkness and into Your truth. Open our eyes to see Your glory and help us walk in Your light daily. May our lives reflect Your love and lead others to You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


17 - The Door


15 - Bread of Life